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My colleague Kjetil Gjønnes and yours truly were this week awarded the prize for best presentation at the International Rail Safety Council 2014.
Of course we wouldn't have made it without support and feedback from our co-author Mona Tveraaen. So kudos to her too! Lots of them in fact.
The presentation and paper are about Jernbaneverket's practical implementation of the Common Safety Method on Risk Assessment connetcetd to the EU safety directive for rail traffic. A summary can be found through the publications choice in the menu. Will upload the full paper soon, but the paper may be mainly of interest for railway professionals. Even though the general approach can very well applied in other sectors too!
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Eurocontrol has released a white paper that looks most interesting. It's titled "Systems Thinking for Safety: Ten Principles
A White Paper - Moving towards Safety-II" and can be downloaded here.
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Carsten will be one of the contributors/speakers at the 2014 International Railway Safety Council in Berlin next month.
See you there?
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We've previously advertised the Safety Symposium that will take place in Amsterdam in November of this year. It has a fantastic program with great keynote speakers and presentations by safety professionals from all over the world. The event has recently been moved to a larger venue because of the very good response.
Please click on the picture to check out the program and find the details for participation. This promises to be one of the top HSEQ events of 2014 - make sure you're there!
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I just came across this fine blog article titled Surely PPE will keep you safe won't it?
This reminded me of a gadget from the Irish Health & Safety Authority that I took with me some 20 years ago at an international major OHS fair in Germany. I think this illustrates the hierarchy of control very well:
As we all (?) know... PPE are very, very much on the bottom!
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