
This page collects material that most likely influenced Heinrich in his thinking about safety.


The 1931 Bibliography

Beyer, D.S. (1916) Industrial Accident Prevention. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Find the book online (and download if you fancy):

Here is a very positive review from when it came out:

My own summary/discussion of the source: 

Beyer also wrote an interesting paper on the early years of safety:

Beyer, D.S. (1917) Accident Prevention. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 70, Modern Insurance Problems: 238-243.

Cowee, G.A. (1916) Practical Safety Methods and Devices. Manufacturing and Engineering. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company.

Read and download the book online:

Swuste et al. discuss Cowee and his contemporaries in their informative 2010 paper that sheds light on the early safety movement:

My own summary/discussion of the source: 

Ashe, S.W. (1917) Organization in Accident Prevention. New York: McGraw-Hill.

A digital version is available for online reading, and download:

My own summary/discussion of the source:

Lange, F.G. (1926) Handbook of Safety and Accident Prevention. New York: The Engineering Magazine Company.

At this moment no digital version appears to be available online. But you can find a review online:

Hayhurst, E.R. (1926) Handbook of Safety and Accident Prevention. American Journal of Public Health and the Nations Health, 16(7): 730–731.

My own summary/discussion of the source:

DeBlois, L.A. (1926) Industrial Safety Organization for Executive and Engineer. New York: McGraw-Hill.

You can read the book online - and download it:

My own summary/discussion of the source:

Williams, S.J. (1927) The Manual of Industrial Safety. Chicago & New York: A.W. Shaw Company.

At this moment no digital version appears to be available online, and getting an original copy is next to impossible...

My own summary/discussion of the source:


Fisher, E.B. (1922) Mental Causes of Accidents. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Read the book online or download it:

Review by Sidney J. Williams:, or

There is another (long) review by G.F. Mischelbacher here (on page 57):

My own summary/discussion of the source:

Chase, S. (1929) Men And Machines. New York: The MacMillan Company.

Find the book online:

My own summary/discussion of the source:

Dow, M.A. (1928) Stay Alive! In Which Jim the Truckman gently kicks the Drivin’ Fools and Walkin’ Yaps. New York: Marcus Dow Publishers.

Not available online, and hard to find.

Slocombe, C.S. & Bingham, W.V. (1927) Men Who Have Accidents: Individual Differences Among Motormen and Bus Operators. Personnel Journal, 6: 251–257.

I managed to find this paper here: 

Safety Institute of America (1920) Safety Fundamentals. New York: Safety Institute of America.

These can be read and downloaded here: 




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